I Had An Interesting Morning

Ever been in a car when the sidewall of a tire decides to blow at 75 mph? It’s a very interesting feeling. The whole car starts to shake madly as if it has developed a seizure disorder quite suddenly, you smell burning rubber, and then realize that somehow you have to cross 4 lanes of Easter Morning traffic on the expressway. While doing 30 mph because you are not quite sure what has happened. It is lots of fun. I highly recommend it. Not!

What happens while you are smelling burning rubber and the car is shaking like mad is your life flashes before your eyes which sucks because you need to be able to see to navigate the four lanes of heavy traffic, and your car just does not respond to the steering wheel like it used to. So much for their little love affair. You get off the expressway as soon as possible, and as slowly as possible. You pull into the first parking lot you find, and you call the people you were supposed to be meeting with and tell them you are not going to make it as you have to jack up your car, and put on the “doughnut” sized spare that comes with most cars. However, I would like to thank the inventor of both the doughnut sized spare, and the cell phone. Both inventors came in very handy today. You call your mother to tell her you just had a near death experience. Everyone calls someone when they have near death experiences. I think it is human nature.

Now, I need four new tires (not cheap), and my front brakes are going out. But, I am alive, and that is good. However, I now have to figure out how to get these new tires and brakes. And, they have to be disc brakes which cost more to fix than front brakes. I am just hoping that the passenger side front brake is not destroying the rotor. That would be very bad. Very bad, and expensive too. Four new tires already cost $300. Which I do not have. I am going to have to work a deal with my mom. I really hate that. It is embarrassing at my age. Oh well, there are worse things, I know.

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