Psychiatric Meds

Chemical structure of clonazepam.
Chemical structure of clonazepam. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, I ran out of my clonazepam (for anxiety). The main problem with running out is that it is a controlled substance, and they have cracked down on early refills. Which just bites, in my opinion. My insurance does not cover the medication so I see no reason why if my doctor authorizes the refill, I cannot just pick it up and pay for it my self. I pay for it anyway. I guess why I am so chappy about the matter is that i have been taking it so long that I am physically addicted to it, and my brain operated in weird ways when I do not have it. In my humble opinion, there ought to be non-addictive, non-narcotic ways to sufficiently control anxiety. It is not like I still get a high from taking it. That time is long past. I do not sell my prescriptions the way I have known people to do. So, if I am not doing anything to break the law, except having taken one too many pills here and there, why do I have go through withdrawals? I also ran out of Adderall this month so my brain is bouncing from this to that and everything in between. I hate addiction. I spent a lot of time and effort in my late teens freeing myself from it, and more recently, freeing myself from going on drinking benders. But here I am 20 years later addicted to stuff that is supposed to make me better. That is kind of depressing. But, I did it to myself, so, I can’t say anyone forced me. it was poor medication management on my part. Sigh…