Sandy Hook

New Town Elementary School
New Town Elementary School (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So I have been thinking about this mysterious Adam Lanza who committed the absolutely heinous crime at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut. My sincere apologies to anyone who is offended by my intellectualizing this tragic incident, but it is the only way I can process it without compromising my stability. 

My first question, obviously, is why did he do it? He was obviously disturbed from the time he was a child yet we hear nothing about his parents trying to get him help, or if they did try, it hasn’t been mentioned. What was it that made him do it? And, he did it in the opposite direction. Usually the prime target of shooting or series of shootings are not the people that are killed, but some single person which in this case, I think was his mother. However, he unlike some other mass shooters and one serial killer I can think of had to “work” up the nerve to confront the primary “victim.” Once this person is gone, they either kill themselves or turn themselves in.

In his case, I think he had two objectives: kill his mother and kill himself. But, he did it backwards. He killed his mother first, and then went to the elementary school. Why? Why the elementary school? Did he suffer some severe trauma at that age that made him go there? Nobody knows. The FBI are saying that they probably won’t be able to retrieve his hard drive (he smashed his computer with a hammer before his rampage which makes me think there was probably some stuff on there), he killed his mother with her own gun (once again proving a gun owner is more likely to be killed with their own weapon), and then went to the school where he killed 7 adults and 20 mostly six year olds before turning the gun on himself. Having tried several times to commit suicide, I can tell you it is not an easy thing to do. Survival instincts are too strong even in the severely mentally ill. 

And, what was his mother doing with those types of weapons, unlocked, in her home when she knew her younger son had mental problems and had become increasingly agitated in the weeks leading up to the shooting. Did it not occur to her that he might use them on her, on others, or on himself? And, why did she start collecting the weapons in approximately 2008 after her divorce? Was it to protect herself from her ex-husband, or perhaps, from her son? Either way, it did not work. She was killed by her son, and then he committed the worst school massacre in US history, not in terms of numbers, but because he opened fire on an elementary school. I am still having trouble with the fact that he shot these children multiple times and at close range. What the hell was he thinking? Well, as most mass murderers do, he turned the gun on himself, so we’ll probably never know.

I was just looking at a list of some of the most deadly mass shootings going back to the original mass shooting at the University of Texas at Austin in 1966, and I noticed something kind of interesting. First of all, the Viet Nam War was just starting to gain momentum in 1966 even though it was kind of an extension of the Korean War. Protests against the war were popping up all over the nation, and Charles Whitman opened fire from the bell tower at the school and killed 16 people and wounding 31. The next shooting listed happened in 1976 when inflation was at an all time high, people were having trouble putting food on the table and keeping gas in their cars. This shooting was perpetrated by Robert Charles Allaway, a custodian at the library at Cal State. He fatally shot 7 coworkers and wounded 2 more.

In 1984 and 1986 we were in the middle of Trickle Down Economics that did nothing to trickle down. In fact, the unemployment rate during the Reagan years was 7.5% and the National debt had increased from $900 billion during the Carter years to $2.8 trillion under Reagan. Once again, we are looking at an economic down turn that made people feel uncomfortable and less secure. In 1984, James Oliver Huberty, an unemployed security guard, kills 21 people at a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, CA. In 1986, a postal worker about to be fired, Pat Sherill, shoots 14 people in a post office in Edmond, OK, and then kills himself.

Fast forward to the 90’s. We are at war in a conflict that few agreed with (bells of Viet Nam). During the 90’s, there were four notable shootings. Most notable was the shooting in 1999 at Columbine High School where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (no history of mental illness) opened fire killing 12 and a teacher, wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the library. Not only were the 90’s about armed conflict in the Middle East, it was also the beginning of what has become a recession that has bordered on a depression as well as unemployment numbers beginning to increase slowly. 

In the 2000’s we were still at war in the Middle East with no end in sight. Under George  W. Bush, the deficit grew, poverty levels increased slowly, and America was hit for the second time with foreign terrorism when the Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center. 6 mass murders have occurred between 2000 and 2012 in the United States.

What I find interesting, is there is no mention of mental health status, they were all perpetrated by white males, and they all coincided with periods of economic uncertainty, high deficits, and fluctuating unemployment rates. So, maybe instead of looking for the Why? of these shootings which I do not believe we will ever understand, we should look at what was going on socially in this country when the shootings took place. What was the economy like, was consumer confidence high or low, what did the deficit look like, what were the poverty levels, where was unemployment among other indicators.

Like I said, in order to process what happened at Sandy Hook, I have to take a step back emotionally and intellectualize it. I learned my lesson with 9/11.

Rush ~ Closer To The Heart


I heard this song today while out running errands and its opening lines really hit me between the eyes. I had never really listened to this particular Rush song though I know all the words, but it occurred to me that the people we elect to represent us as a people really need to get it together, stop with the power trips, stop running around like deranged children, and do the job we elected them to do which is lead, both in reality and by example. Only then can we begin to mend that which is wrong. Anyway, here are the lyrics to this song. Interpret them as you want.


Rush ~ “Closer to the Heart” (from their album A Farewell to Kings)


And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the Heart
Closer to the Heart


The Blacksmith and the Artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it’s closer to the Heart


Philosophers and Ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it’s closer to the Heart


You can be the Captain and
I will draw the Chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the Heart


Closer to the Heart


Closer to your heart.


Nominees For The Best Blog of 2012 Award

Thank you to the Secret Keeper for nominating my blog for these awards. I am very humbled at being added to the list of Inspiring Blogs and Best Blog of 2012. Thank you very much for thinking of my blog when nominating people. Her blog can be found at The Secret Keeper.

Nominations for the “Best Blog of 2012” awards

Hello, I have nominated you for the “Best Blog of 2012” awards. Congratulations! You can pick up your awards at:

1) RD Revilo Conscious Thought: Driven By Intelligent Awareness for his wonderful and insightful poetry and his genuine quest for the truth and answers to the eternal question: Why?

2) The Snare for his wonderful mythical imagery and thoughtful writing that can sort of take you away from it all as well as his dream to become a serious and published author. Also, on a more personal note, the fact that he likes Led Zeppelin as much as I do 🙂

3) The Secret Keeper for her beautiful poetry and haiku that really make you think as well as her thoughtful voice and her exploration of her own truths. Also, for being a gentle voice and soul in a very harsh world.

4) On The Plum Tree for being a wonderful and thoughtful creative force, and an advocate for children and adults alike. Additionally, for being brave enough to venture into the unknown territory of human emotion.

5) LadyRomp for being a positive voice and force for women from all walks of life, and for being a strong, independent woman whose goal is to empower women to see our own selves as strong and independent.

6) The Bipolar Place for his insightful thoughts into his and many other’s disorder, and his honesty about his life as a person with Bipolar Disorder. Also, for his positive attitude while living with what can be a very debilitating disease if you let it.

The “rules” for picking up your award are simple:

1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award

2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.

3 Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award –   and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them

5 You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6 As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

Yes – that’s right – there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award – and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star!

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

Day (366) – Smiles

The Better Man Project

Our true happiness doesn’t come from grades, from winning, from beating someone at something, from playing a game better, or any of those other things the world claims brings satisfaction. Our happiness comes from staying true to ourselves.

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”

 – E.E. Cummings.

Cummings has it right, this world tries to change us into something mediocre the best it can. It brings temptation, the things we know we don’t want in life, and makes us think twice about the things we have. It causes us to speculate about what will happen, and what’s out of our control. It tries to mold us into a plain version of everybody else. But if we really want to…

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Diamond Dogs ~ David Bowie

David Bowie, Ekeberghallen, Oslo, Norway
David Bowie, Ekeberghallen, Oslo, Norway (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


This is a song that makes no sense that I have been able to figure out, but it has cool lyrics and a good beat. It was the “coming out” of Bowie‘s new (1976) character “Halloween Jack” who lives on the rooftops of tenement buildings. 



I Really Do Not Know How I Feel Today……..

As I suspected, when I went to his room to inquire as to his “okayness”, I was greeted with irritation at being caught (?) or disturbed in his cozy environment.

And he wonders why I do not seem to ask after his mental status. I get no answer.

If there is no answer or the answer is delivered in an irritable tone, why ask?

If he wants me to care, then he needs to not act like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar when I knock on his door. And then, the lies start. It is warmer in here, I just want to be alone (no problem, buddy). And then he acts hurt if I do not inquire after him.

At this point, I am irritated, and I find that I do not care if he is mentally okay or not. He never asks after me, and I have been certified as nuts.

Has he ever asked me if I am okay? Not that I can remember.

Have I ever been not well, and he sees it as an infringement on his well being rather than the mental status of someone he claims to love? Yes, many times, and I have suffered through it on my own. I have taken the necessary steps to improve my mental status on my own.

Am I irritated this morning? Yes, I am. Do I care about him? Yes. I do.

Do I care if he is in one of his moods? No, not really. I was shot down last night, and it ticked me off because he clams that I do not care about him.

So, when I ask if he is okay, I expect an answer, not an irritated look and harsh words. Especially since he tells me periodically that I care only for myself. I couldn’t give a damn about myself most of the time. He is primary and doesn’t see it, doesn’t believe it.

If all my inquiries are met with irritation and mild anger, then I will simply stop asking. I do not like exercises in futility. I do not have the time.

At The Table, Feasting, But Hating The Beast


  • My NieceWas Sitting on My Knee
  • Watching rioting on TV
  • ThenShe looked up to me
  • Why are they filled with so much, Hate
  • Why are they willing to be killed, to do killing
  • Why are they burning where they Live and Work
  • Why are they hurting others, if they don’t want to be hurt
  • Why, why, why lay this burden on me
  • Why, I stepped back, took a look back
  • Into my own Living History
  • Inside of me, asking, answer honestly
  • Or use the trick of sincerity,
  • But this is my Niece, sitting on myknee
  • I answered with Honesty
  • They are upset, because a promise wasn’t kept
  • Theirhappily ever after turned to dust
  • Because they deceived themselvesto trust
  • In things they knew weren’t real
  • Unless you are hungry, no HappyMeal
  • Unless you are for what you are fighting
  • Only…

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