The Crystal Method ~ Community Service "Cake Hole"

English: I took this picture at a live perform...
English: I took this picture at a live performance by The Crystal Method at Earthlink Live in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s posted to deviantArt here, and there is a print available. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Vegas (The Crystal Method album)
Vegas (The Crystal Method album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


A great song about programming your own mind before the world programs it for you…….scary



6 thoughts on “The Crystal Method ~ Community Service "Cake Hole"

  1. There is a cure and prevention from any mind control and programming. Keep a healthy self esteem. Those that can face this and know it for what it is are strong, someone just forgot to tell them.


      1. Yes it is you have a strong self esteem too or you wouldn’t being doing what you do here. You are one of the stronger ones whether you chose to believe it or not. That is entirely up to you. I don’t see no fear in your blog. In fact in your comments I see a very responsible person looking before leaping.


      2. Thank you….I think my husband would disagree with you, but I do not really have any fear nor will I feel stigma due to a mental health problem. Let other people worry about that. I do not have the time.


      3. good for you! Never let another’s fear and/or envy take up your time. I wish the best for your relationship. Change is hard and when you just can’t seem to grow together and always apart, well that is your personal boundary. I divorced twice. I grew, they didn’t and I refused to support them in all including mental strength. Divorces were tough but time heals. I hope you work it out.


      4. It isn’t going to work out. We are two very different and incompatible people. He thinks I think about nothing but my mental health issues, and do not care how he is feeling, and I think if he would bother to learn about Bipolar Disorder, he wouldn’t be so hung up on it like he is. To him, I am nothing more than my illness. Which is too bad for him. He is missing out on a multifaceted, interesting person. His loss.


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