That is very true. How can another presume to know how another person experiences life? You are not in their head, you cannot see through their eyes… just simply do not know. That will cause a person to doubt anything someone else says for the simple reason that they made the assumption that they know how another perceives their environment, and no, they will never trust you again.

Beyond Meds: Alternatives to Psychiatry

1flower2Once you’ve scolded someone for their understanding of their experience they will no longer trust you. At that point communication becomes exponentially more difficult. Everyone has a unique experience of the world and particular wisdom from that experience.

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3 thoughts on “

  1. This is true so the cure is always more experience in life and those experiences are much better when thy are diverse. Then people gain a clearer self identity. SO more positives then negatives must be.


    1. I think that is true that through a greater diversity of experiences and life “lessons” that one can gain a more thorough knowledge of self, and who you are or who you would like to be. Also, diversity among people is crucial, I think, to really understanding this world we live in, and to listen to how others experience it.


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