This Is Actually Tibetan Buddhism, But The Dalai Lama Explains The Main Tenets Well

I am also a Buddhist as well as many other things, and although this explanation is particular to Tibetan Buddhist chant and prayer (I am a believer in the Nichiren sect of Buddhism), The Dalai Lama explains the main precepts of Buddhism quite well. So, I thought I would post it for anyone interested in Buddhism, in general. Buddhism is very peaceful and, for me, calming.

5 thoughts on “This Is Actually Tibetan Buddhism, But The Dalai Lama Explains The Main Tenets Well

  1. I’m Dzogchen, which is Tibetan, and chant Om Mani Padme Hung at least once a day. It’s made a huge difference in my life….for the better. Thank you for posting this.


    1. i saw it on my Facebook page, and decided to have a look. I discovered Nichiren Buddhism is not so different as I thought. I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo twice per day. It has made such an unbelievable impact on my life.


    1. I am a practicing Nichiren Buddhist (a little different from Tibetan, but the general ideas are the same), and I can’t wrap my mind around half of the material that I study. i think it may be that even if you grew up with no religious affiliation, we are still of Western v. Eastern thought. At least, that is what my problem is 😀


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