As I Was Cleaning Out a Bag Yesterday

As I was cleaning out one of my messenger bags to go get some groceries yesterday, I ran a across an old and very battered copy of my marriage license. I have never seen a piece of paper that represented so much hope and so much pain and failure.  It is like getting an ‘F” in Life. I still couldn’t bring myself to throw out this tattered, falling apart water damaged piece of paper. 

It started off really well, we many things are wont to do. And, then it began to go horribly wrong, This piece of paper represents that.

12 thoughts on “As I Was Cleaning Out a Bag Yesterday

  1. It is just an inanimate object. It cannot cause you pain in and of itself; it only makes you aware of your unresolved pain. It is this that you must learn to conquer, which you will have done when such objects have no effect upon you.

    What was it that the Dalai Lama is supposed to have said? Some to the effect of: If I am depressed, I live in the past; if I have anxiety, I live in the future. I therefore live in the present.

    Wishing you the best for 2014.


    1. I threw it away. Just like I sold my ring, and threw out all the cards he had given me. I just hadn’t found this little gem yet.


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