Still Feeling Maudlin

His Main Bike Looked a Little Like This ~ 1937 HD Knucklehead

There is something that I want to write. I can feel it forming in my brain, I can sense it coming out the tips of my fingers, but I can’t seem to find the words. Anyone who knows me well knows that me being at a loss for words is a rare occurrence. It all started this morning before I woke up. I was dreaming of someone whom I love very much, and will probably love in absentia for the rest of my life. It was not the greatest dream. I could see him, but I could not reach him or talk to him. Something was preventing that. Space, time, maybe? I have not seen him since I got married, and to this day, considering what happened in my marriage, I do not know why I chose my ex-husband over this man who never judged me, never had total losses of temper regarding my mood swings (he just held me, and made things okay)….pardon me, I have to stop and cry for a bit. Damn tears came out of nowhere, I am going to have to buy some waterproof mascara for days like these.

Okay, tears dried up. I have no idea exactly where that came from. It is like the chances of rain in my city; it can thunder and blow and have lightening breaking across the sky and the incredibly dark clouds, and not a drop will fall, or the downpour will be so torrential that flood warnings are issued and we are warned to stay out of the arroyos and run-off ditches. That’s what feeling melancholy is like for me. Sometimes not a tear will come to my eye even when by all rights they should, and then sometimes they come out of nowhere to leave black streaks beneath my eyes (hence the waterproof mascara.)

I am lamenting a bad choice. I think that is what it is. I made the wrong decision, and am now regretting it as it was a decision that left me open to a man that did not really care about me (both as a person, period, and as a person with an affective disorder), was abusive in very subtle ways that left me questioning everything about my self as a woman and as a person, was incredibly critical and considered it constructive while I considered it simply criticizing for the sake of being contrary. The man that got left behind was never abusive, never critical, never judgmental, didn’t need to understand my mental issues to be a kind and loving friend; he just inherently understood me, and that I was different than other people. He loved me because I was me. I would wager he still does as he does not strike me as someone who loves easily or lightly. That is something we have in common; I do not love (or trust) easily or lightly. To this day, I wonder how my ex managed to pull the wool over my eyes until it was too late, and I was stuck with the creature he became after marrying. I did see my lover-friend once after I made the mistake of getting married. It was at a bike run that I drove four hours to get to just to see him one last time. 

There is something that bound us to one another that I cannot put in words. It simply was. I told him one night after we had been out drinking beer and listening to live blues at some seedy bar that I needed to tell him something and he wasn’t allowed to think I was crazy. I told him late that night that I loved him, and his response (here we go with the tears again) to me was ” I have loved you for a long time.” That was the only time we said “I love you” to each other, and it never had to be said again. It was just something that was understood. I do not remember my ex ever telling me straight out that he loved me. It was always round about in some way, but it never came out as “I love you.” It was never to the point. I think that he loved the idea of me, but that he didn’t really love me as a real person with strengths and flaws and quirks. 

The odd thing is the two men were fairly close in age, but they could not have had more different outlooks on life. Whereas one told me the last time he had use for a tie was in 1967 to tie his bedroll to his bike before taking off for Mexico, the other lamented the fact that he had no real reason to wear any of his extensive and expensive collection of ties. How did I make the choice to abandon my true lover-friend for my ex? Or maybe the question ought to be how did my ex convince me he was someone he was not; that he was open-minded, quirky, silly, serious, funny, liked the same things I did, had a similar sense of humor, liked to make me blush with some comment that usually took me a while to figure out completely, liked to tell me when I was walking to “stop fast”, wished he could play blues on the guitar and had since he was a boy, and was basically a complete pervert (but in a good way, not a damaging way?) That’s the question I cannot answer, and that is what I ponder frequently when I wake up dreaming of my lover-friend. 

Old Lovers Enjoying s Quiet Time by the Lake
Old Lovers Enjoying s Quiet Time by the Lake

11 thoughts on “Still Feeling Maudlin

  1. A friend told me not long ago: “You were in the dark, that’s why you couldn’t see”. About your friend, it could be that such a free spirit didn’t project so well in the view of your future (as in when you imagine yourself in a 10 years). Maybe some person told you to choose someone who could provide for you (and kids, if you chose to have any). Who knows. I made my wrong choice too, but staying with the other guy wasn’t a good choice either. In any case, I left someone who adored me for someone who ended up cutting my wings (and with it, mostly everything else). I would say, try to find your true love, you have nothing to lose and maybe a lot to win. It’s not too late!
    I wish you all the best (and I downloaded a few of you beautiful art pieces, thank you!!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome to download anything I post on the DeviantArt site.

      I think the problem lies in the fact that I left someone who was a free spirit, but so am I and that was an understood thing between us. We were really compatible, and I did lose true, unconditional love when I married someone who, as you put it, clipped my wings.

      Since I have no children, I foresee myself, hopefully with my Paralegal Degree working as a temp (since that is about as much a I can handle at this point.) I think I was following the “traditional” path for women: marriage, children, etc., and that is just not me at all, apparently. I like my freedom, and if someone wants to adore me along the way, then great!

      Thanks for your very compassionate post:)


      1. I’m so sorry many of us decided to follow the “traditional” path for women… Then we ended up being someone else living our life.
        My ex never missed the chance to remind me: “Who’s going to want you with 5 kids?” Until one day I replied: “Someone who LOVES me”. He never said that again. You are right, we have to be ourselves and if someone adores us along the way, GREAT!
        Have a nice day!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I already replied on this comment, but it made me think again. Many women I know have been in unhappy situations, either married or not. Some have been battered, some have been raped by their own husbands.

        I think your attitude towards your husband was spot on. When he wanted you to remain barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, you refused, telling him that “some one who loves ME.”

        All we can do is be ourselves. Of course we put on a game face when we go out, but that is for society at random. We do not want to look like nor act like our true selves. So, we bravely put on makeup which is really a form of mask, and out we go.

        You have a fantastic day!

        P.S. If only the guy with the leaf blower were not directly out side my door. i never knew those things could make you deaf 🙂


      3. 🙂 Thanks for replying again! Many of us are unhappy and I’m really sorry they don’t dare/can’t change the situation. I got to the point where the only thing in my mind was: “nothing can be worse than this”. And then I was strong enough to make things change.
        But when you are in the dark, you can’t see… 🙂


      4. One of my college friends said the scariest decision she ever mad was turning her back on her husband and walking out the door with their son. I can only imagine what it must be like to be so scared of someone who is supposed to love you.

        She had definitely stepped into the light, and things crystallized. So, she packed some bags and left. Same thing I did with my marriage. One too many fights blaming every thing on me, and how selfish I was because all I paid attention to was my mental interestingness, and nothing else.

        The final straw was him telling me that I was lucky that there were no lethal weapons in the house. He threatened ME.You just do not do that to anybody least of all someone with PTSD. I became very calm and very quiet, announced that I could see at least 5 things that if used properly would result in death. Then I went to bed, had a good pondering session, and decided that I was going to file for divorce by the end of the week.

        And, that is exactly what I did in an attempt to save myself from both myself and from him. I guess I don’t play well with others 🙂


      5. I am too. She was an amazing student, mother, and athlete! Somehow she managed all of this while carrying a full 12 credits. I cannot even fathom the courage and the fear she must have felt when she turned that doorknob and left!!


  2. I got out of it for many years being on the 12 year plan to get my bachelor of arts in Socilogy and Psychology, but then at a vulnerable time in my life I was like a tree in wind swaying one day and the other a mood bordering on mania, in walks my ex saying all the right things, and I fell into the trap set up for ourselves by ourselves and by society itself. Not only does society believe in “man’s” work and “women’s” work. The cycle just continues over and over until someone stops it.

    There is a line in a Alice in Chains song: “If I can’t be my own, then I’d feel better dead.”

    Mind you this song was written by a hardcore “grunge” band who frequently touched on subjects like heroin addiction and other difficult things in life. However, I think that in my situation, it is very apropos. Why is it that women will completely change their looks and mannerisms to please the man in their life? I do not see them changing spiritually either inside or out side. i do not see them crying over a dear relative.

    This was actually told to me by my ex: I saw an older couple in the grocery store a couple of days after we had interred her in the grave with her one love, my granddad, and I became teary, and he really said this to me “Get over it, she’s dead and buried.” I mean seriously. He almost got left at the store to walk home as I went outside and sat in the car to compose myself. With the keys.

    That was probably one of the top ten list of things of cruel things said to me that I have been told, but this one hit home. My grandma who was 97 when she passed had been near me my whole life. She was the last grandparent to leave this world, so being 43, I was damn lucky to have her in my life for 41 years.

    She was a typical Texas farm girl; very serious, didn’t even smile, just thought of ways to keep the family afloat. But then one day she had a nickel (a lot of money in the late 30’s) and she and some friends went to town to see a movie. There was a teenage boy that kept circling the theatre. That was my future grandad. He made her smile a lot. I love that story, but it inevitably brings tears to my eyes. That was back when courtship was still at it’s high, and men really did, in my mind, treat women with a lot more respect (at least until the honeymoon is over.)


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