This Video Was Just Too Cool

When I was a child, one of the things I wanted to be most was an astronaut. Well, that didn’t work out, but now we have telescopes in space sending back pictures of what I wanted to see for myself. I guess it is the next best thing. This little snippet is really cool!



4 thoughts on “This Video Was Just Too Cool

  1. Beautiful video. I use to pretend I was captain on a starship like Captain Kirk. The name of my spaceship was the Saturn Six. (A nod to the Jupiter Two on Lost in Space) I spent many happy hours “aboard” that ship.


    1. I used to play Battlestar Galactica, and my computer is named HAL in deference to the manic-depressive and creepy computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

      Apparently, there is a whole lot more to YouTube than meets the naked eye. There’s a whole wealth of videos on just about every subject you can think of.


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