I Have A New Tattoo ~ Yea!

Semi-colon tattoo

About a week ago a good friend of mine forwarded an article to me she had read, and thought I might be interested in. She knows about the struggle I have just to make it through a day without wanting to just give up. Believe me, I have tried to give up…..nearly 11 times that I can remember, and many others I do not remember. I was 12 when I was diagnosed with Major Depression…..it also happened to be the age that I first tried to commit suicide. The article my friend forwarded to me was about Project Semi-Colon. I had heard of the organization through the AGORA crisis center at UNM, and I had seen several of these tattoos.

As soon as I read the article explaining what these tattoos meant, I mustered up what little money I had, Googled semi-colon tattoo, and picked out a simple black tattoo about an inch and 1/2 in height. I took the bus and walked a few blocks to the tattoo shop where I had received my first tattoo many years ago. I left with a deep black tattoo on the back of my neck. Since I wear my hair short, it will always be visible. 

This was my tattoo pattern.
This was my tattoo pattern.

The semi-colon tattoo represents those who are struggling with mental illness or other type of debilitating mental problem, and refuse to give in to the illness. The semi-colon when used in writing means the author has written but not yet finished a sentence, and a standard conjunction wouldn’t be appropriate. The tattoo symbolizes never giving up the fight against depression,  suicide, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and the battle against mental illness in general. It means that your story isn’t over, nor will you let it end. I wish I could get a good picture of the tattoo as it is the most meaningful tattoo that I have and the most visible. 

If anyone is interested the website is Project Semi-Colon. I have been dealing with mental illness for a very long time; about 31 years. Although, I have tried many times to just go to sleep and stay that way, something has always prevented me from carrying through with it. I am proud to have this tattooed on my body as it represents my own struggle against my particular cocktail of mental health problems.

4 thoughts on “I Have A New Tattoo ~ Yea!

    1. That’s cool that your husband wants one too. The more there are, the more people will ask what it means, and the more we explain it’s meaning the less stigma there will be about mental health, hopefully!! 🙂

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  1. Love this post and commend you for getting this far..,I know how tough that is. I have quite a few years on you, and the struggle goes on. I am on the dark side of the moon at the moment and I am so so tired…hopefully it won’t last toooo long! Keep up the writing


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