Who Am I…… (also a work in progress ~ updated 7/13/2015)

Who am I?
Who am I?

As soon as I figure that out, I will let you know. My name is Jennifer, and this blog is about my life with the mood disorder Bipolar Type I which is apparently the classic and worst form of the illness. This blog is my attempt to make sense of my illness, explore how it affects those around me, how I experience life, and hopefully make the illness less stigmatized and scary, and educate people about people like myself. We are not the abnormal, frightening people that people think of when they hear the words “mental illness.” My intention is two-fold: to explore my illness for my own sake, and to provide an experience for people to read and perhaps come to a better understanding of this disorder, and realize that while it cannot be cured, it can be managed. It is my hope that this blog help people who may suffer from this disorder, or are close to people with this disorder. I will update it as I remember things that have happened, that I have said or done during episodes and while in the “green middle ground” as I once heard it described. So, I apologize if it may seem a bit out of order. I also apologize if you are offended by occasional bad language. I do tend to use a bad word every now and again, but it is to make a point. I have been rather cranky recently due to some personal issues so, if you find the posts are becoming a bit despairing, please do not worry, I am always fine in some way or another. It is just the nature of Manic Depressive Illness to be a bit irritable from time to time especially when your life has turned into a train wreck, and it was just fine before. 

As I said before I have Bipolar Type I disorder but I forgot to qualify it. On the Bipolar spectrum, not only are there varying degrees of Bipolar disorder there are also “features” like Psychotic, and NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). These tags are used to add additional information about the sub-type, if you will, of the disorder. My official bipolar diagnosis is Bipolar Type I with Psychotic Tendencies. In essence, this means that during either a depressive, manic, or mixed episode, I have the propensity to lose my grip on reality. I may become paranoid (this is most common), have auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and become delusional completely believing that every thing I want to do is realistic, and that people are just out to stop me. 

I have also been diagnosed with PTSD stemming from a sexual assault when I was 16, Panic Disorder with and without Agoraphobia (some days I walk right out the door, and others you couldn’t push me out), Adult ADD (the bouncing of my Bipolar brain was not enough), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I am pretty sure I also have a social phobia, but that has never been examined. So, life is interesting. I frequently wonder how much of my perception is colored by my mental health issues, and how much is the perception of someone who is not ill. 

At some point, I plan to write a post detailing what stressors I feel helped the illness to manifest itself, when it manifested, why it was not diagnosed for 10+ years, and my other random thoughts on being genetically predisposed to this wonderful and absolutely awful illness with which I have both blessed and cursed.

I have finally found the courage to explain how I came to know the Rabbit Hole, and the various factors that contributed to not only the Bipolar disorder, but the PTSD, the Panic disorder, my tendency towards Agoraphobia, and the “Generalized” anxiety disorder, oh, lets not forget ADD.

Having kept the promise to the Universe and all that resides in it, I am still here. Though not without a lot of hard work and help from some very skilled people. I recently took the MMPI 2 some 6 months after the divorce that, in many ways, saved my very life (yes, I do mean to be a bit dramatic; the marriage was quite literally making me ill), and as usual I am in my usual, dreaded “mixed” state, however, my paranoia level has skyrocketed. I asked my psychologist about that as I do not feel that people are out to get me or impede me in any way (my usual paranoid m.o.). She said that based on talking with me, and listening to me talk (bless her patience with me), I am having some pretty severe “trust” issues. Go figure, I had just divorced a man who claimed to love me, but turned around and acted in manners not loving but deeply hurtful, I had just been in my apartment for about 6 months, and due to an introverted and painfully shy (no, you would not be able to tell unless you knew me well as I will talk to anybody, but going to a party where I know very few people can lead to a panic attack) nature, had not really talked with my neighbors. I tend to keep to myself if at all possible.

But, on a brighter note, my life is resembling something less than the train wreck it was when I first wrote this. I am up for Medical Review by the SSA about my Disability Benefits, and that has me in a bit of a twist. However, as much as I worry, I do not believe they will find against continuance of benefits. I have not improved beyond the point of the last review some 8.5 years ago, and judging from my medical records, my improvement has remained “average” for the past 2 years. This is tantamount to saying that no improvement in my mental condition has occurred, and my illness is expected to last longer than 12 months (try the rest of my life), and could end in death (their requirements not mine). So, we shall see. After all, this life I have been given is very much a work in progress.

I think it is time to update “Who Am I….”. Life has taken some turns that have not worked out in my favor. The SSA Disability Determinations Services denied my benefits in January having found me “medically improved” enough to work. So, they gave me 10 days to appeal if I wanted my benefits to continue throughout the appeal (something which has not been done), and so, at 3 in the morning unable to sleep, I came up with my appeal. Now, I have a hearing set for later this month at which I am going to argue that due to daily “suicidal” thoughts, depressive episodes, etc., I have not really improved mentally. Not that these thoughts are serious in nature; they sort of just go in one side of my brain and out the other, and last all of about three seconds. But, the fact remains, I do think about it much more often than I would like. Especially, when I get letters telling me my “income” is to be taken away rather suddenly. I didn’t have a great reaction to that information, and landed myself in my therapist’s office that afternoon. 

But, on the other hand, I seem to have acquired a boyfriend who actually treats me well. I haven’t had one of those in a while. He’s a long-time friend, and cycling partner who has reintroduced me to how much I truly love my bicycle. It’s kind of like an adult extension of how I felt when I got my first bike when I was about 7. It was pink. All over. It had a pink frame, a pink vinyl sparkly banana seat, and a tall orange flag so people could see me. I also remember it was a Huffy. Riding is like playing; so many people think correctly that riding is exercise, but playing outside as we did in the 70’s is exercise, too. We just didn’t see it that way. P.E. class was exercise…..

So, I have a boyfriend that I have loved for many years in secret. It was just never an appropriate time to get together. First, I was his friend’s girlfriend for many years. Then we broke up, and I was seeing someone else. Then, I am free, and we go back to riding together, but he’s getting divorced. I was not about to be the rebound girl so I left him alone to work his way through his divorce. Then, I was married for 4 years which really did not work out. I do not know if it was the marriage thing that didn’t work for me, or if it was who I married that didn’t work for me. I think the latter. So, then I am going through a divorce and he’s chasing a different skirt, then we decide to try being friends with benefits which worked. But, there was the matter of the other girl so I decided to not interfere with a potential relationship, and we go back to being friends.

Apparently, that’s not really what either of us wanted. I sent him a message which I deleted twice telling him the truth of my end of things much to his amazement, and so we decided to see what would happen. I invited him to Thanksgiving at my mom’s and my stepdad’s house (he knows both of them as he is their bike mechanic), and that worked out well. We’ve been together about 7 months or so with the whole “dance” beginning about 8 years ago. Life is so surprising and at times, completely unexpected, but in beautiful ways. 

So, since the last update, there has been good things happening, and not so good things happening. Although, I am more than ready for the SSA benefits thing to end. It has been nearly a year since they started the process. I got the first inkling of the dreaded medical review in July of 2014, and it is now June 2015. That’s too long to spend completely stressed out. Thank goodness I have returned to my cycling which I love, and thank goodness I have remained a practicing Nichiren Buddhist because both serve to calm, encourage, push me to be better, and I find both to be quite soothing. Besides, endorphins make a person happier. And, so does knowing that you are loved by a good man who would never intentionally hurt you, and would be apologetic if he did, and vice versa. 

Well, the next installment should include the conclusion of the SSA benefits drama. I have had it with bureaucracies. I have been actively seeking employment, as I get the sinking feeling that the decision has already been made and that the hearing is merely a formality.

I am sorry if this page is a non-sequiter; I am a non-sequiter. I do find, however, that the mental issues I have either mellowed with time, or really respond to the medications they finally found after about 4 years on the med-go-round. It wasn’t the fun kind they have in parks either; it was without a doubt one of the worst experiences of my life. I haven’t made my life easy for myself either. I seem to need some level of chaos to survive. Twisted to be sure.  As I move into my mid-forties. I seem to find more peace in my life. I have a decent little place to live, I have good doctors and friends, I have a boyfriend who loves me, and has seen the “real” me (bipolar warts and all, and he still loves me); I do not quite get why as most people,especially men, hear the words “Bipolar Disorder”and then they flee quickly into the ether; I find this doesn’t really bug me anymore. It makes me wonder if staying medication compliant for all these years has somehow affected my brain and rewired it, if it is simply age and learning, or if it has really gotten better. I do not think it has gotten better. I am still emotionally labile, and do move from mania to depression quite easily, still have nightmares and am hyper-vigilant. I think it is a combination of age, medication, good doctors, and Nichiren Buddhism (which encourages spiritual revolution and growth).

65 thoughts on “Who Am I…… (also a work in progress ~ updated 7/13/2015)

  1. Hello Jennifer,
    My name is Leigh. Your exceptional blog deals with bipolar and depression awareness and I know you are familiar with the importance of mental health (obviously 😉 )It is for these reasons that I contact you today.

    I am ‘every woman’, the girl next door and the one you never would have suspected, however, for years I have been struggling with depression. I have written a book about my experiences entitled “The Blue Veil”.

    Through this book, it is my aim to reduce the stigma of depression by increasing awareness of the issue. I am donating a large percentage of the proceeds to 15 carefully chosen mental health awareness organizations worldwide. I have provided the list of these organizations at the end of this email.

    This is where you come in. I am organizing a 2 month long online book release campaign, structured around various depression awareness weeks around the world. It will be from July 1st to August 31st. My request is, during this period of time would you be willing to host me on your blog for a few days of those months? This can be carried out in a few ways:
    -I would send you a couple/few articles that talk about my book and of course depression awareness. You would post these articles on your blog over a few days during those months (letting me know which days you will choose)
    -You could write your own prose about “The Blue Veil” and depression awareness and post these articles on your blog over the course of the months (letting me know which days you will choose).
    Now you may be wondering what is in this for you and your blog? Well, I could provide you with a free version of “The Blue Veil”. You could also review the depression awareness organizations, which I will send to you, to see if there is one you would like to be included and I will certainly look into it.

    More on “The Blue Veil”:
    Up to 58 MILLION suffer from it in the US alone, and VERY FEW talk about it. Is it your friend, colleague or neighbor? Now, finally, ‘The Blue Veil’ brings a modern, raw account of depression. Read it and understand your loved ones better. Be assured that no one is alone.

    “Leigh has everything going for her when the unthinkable happens. She loses control of her own emotions and everything in her life begins to slip away. With a marriage strained to the brink, the loss of her father, fertility issues and the loss of her job, will Leigh be able to move beyond The Blue Veil and take back control of her future?“

    Thanks so much for your consideration and efforts. I understand that you are busy, so I wanted to express my sincere gratitude. It is with great respect for you and your blog that I write this email and it would mean so much to me to have your readers aware of my efforts.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions regarding my request.
    Sincerely yours,
    Leigh Turgeon
    email: leighturgeon@gmail.com
    Twitter: @leighslead
    The Blue Veil Blog http://behindtheblueveil.blogspot.ca/
    FB Page The Blue Veil https://www.facebook.com/TheBlueVeil
    FB Page Leigh Turgeon https://www.facebook.com/LeighTurgeon


  2. i believe that i started my blog to have a place to express myself as freely as possible & hopefully find my voice to speak about all the secrets that people keep silent. if i find the courage to write about the truth of what i know & learn along the way. i will discover who i am & i will stop being silent. the more i write the braver the words are that form the thoughts & feelings inside of me & come forth into the world for me to read & if someone else finds something in what i write that would be okay with me. one thing that is most important to me is to break the silence & end the stigma of being something that is different than “normal.” and to enjoy the act of created something that might be significant and it can also be fun. i’m going to use this on my site. you have inpspired me with your words. thank you.


    1. Thank you for your touching comment. That was my hope when I started the blog was to help others while exploring the illness myself. I do not consider myself mentally ill, I am mentally interesting. Keep writing. The more people know and understand that we are “normal” people, the less the stigma will become.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do not like the words “illness” or “Disorder” (implies chaos) or “Disease.” To me these are stigmatizing, and do not really characterize what mental health issues are really like. So, I settled on interesting because, having Bipolar, I clearly don’t think like other “normal” people, but I do not consider myself “ill.”

        Liked by 1 person

  3. thank you. i agree i feel like i am mentally interesting and bipolar brilliant. the stigma is in the mind of those who do not understand. they need to hear and see we are not “crazy” or going to hurt them. we just want to live our lives as freely as anyone else.


    1. I completely agree. I do think that so called “normal” people need to understand that we are not “nuts” or anything else. And, yes the public stigma surrounding Bipolar is entirely in the minds of people who make the choice not to learn about a disease that affects millions worldwide. It is their choice not to learn and understand the mentally ill that keeps us in a “box” that they can label as crazy and different from them. We are not different, just more challenging and complex. And, yeah, we just want to live life just like those “normal” people.

      I hate being labeled as sick. I have found that a lot of “normal” people can’t get past the term Bipolar, and they just assume that you are sick and that is the way it is. That just bugs me. My significant other does that a lot, and it has been really damaging to our relationship.


      1. i started writing a response to your comment and it turned into a long piece of writing. what you said so inspired me that i ended up with a piece that i am going to put on my blog as a post, talking about “normal” vs “crazy” or “mentally ill” is something that cannot be measured. and how we are exhibited in films and on tv is such an exageration. that is why society cannot see who we are who have a psych chart with one or multiple diagnoses. i will not allow someone to judge me b/c of what my chart says. if someone wants to judge then i don’t feel that they are the kind of person i would want in my life. it may be hard for those in our life to deal with the effects of our diagnosis/es but that’s what therapy is for, to learn how to adjust. if someone loves you they will be willing to work on understanding. and adjust as you adjust to the effects of your bipolar or whatever your diagnosis might be. i know it isn’t easy for them but it isn’t easy for us either. there really isn’t any such thing as “normal.”


      2. I completely agree with you. There is no such thing as “normal”. There are over 330 different mental health diagnoses in the DSM-R. So, how can someone be “normal?” My main problem is that i live with someone with major chronic depression who is undiagnosed and in denial. At the very least, I own my mental illnesses. I know I can become ill at any time, and I try like h*&^ to keep that from happening. I am learning what will send me over the edge, and how to stop it. And, this is 10 years after the diagnosis. It is a never ending task.


      3. i have been living with the knowledge of having bipolar for just over a year but i have been bipolar i think since i was a kid. i am only just learning how to manage the stress and negative emotions that come with the hypomania phase. i have other diagnoses that i have been dealing with in therapy since i was 19. i think you are right, it is important to face what is happening inside of you. i have a hard time understanding why someone does not want to seek out help but i guess some people just can’t go inside to look at the truth or find it too painful. my family when i was a teenager couldn’t deal with the secrets and the mental illness. denial is a strong impulse. not facing reality as it exists is something a major amount of people do. i think therapy should be mandatory for everyone no matter how healthy or not healthy you think you are. self analysis can only imporve your life. awareness is very important to me but it isn’t for a lot of people. you can’t force someone though, it would only make things worse probalby. does the person you live with see a medical doctor? if they do, you would think the doc would work with what is wrong. good luck. just keep doing your own work, that’s all you can do. and no i don’t think there is any such thing as normal. it’s just a comfortable word that makes those who think they are “normal” feel better about themselves.


      4. I think that for someone who is a “newbie” to the bipolar diagnosis, you have remarkable insight.


      5. whoa, thank you. i read a lot. all the time. and do therapy twice a week. that is a very encouraging thing for you to say. totally supportive. it really helps to connect to people who know what it’s like. that really helps me to grow my understandng. once agan, thank you so much. namaste!


      6. You are welcome. It is so important to have support with this illness. Keep up the reading ! I read memoirs of people with manic depression because it helps to remind me that this is really an equal opportunity disease. Try “Manic: a Memoir” it is fantastic.


      7. i will do that. will check for on amazon later today. books are one of my favorite things. but can’t leave out films & music. there are too many things i love. that’s a good thing. jen


  4. i stopped by to see how you were doing and later i was going to drop off a surprise. i read your recent post. sorry to see that things are getting rough. a long time ago a former therapist came up with a great idea on how to deal with money and responsibilities in a relationship .all our money goes into a househod account, mine and s/o, then we each get a monthly allowance. that money we can spend on anything we want without needing permission. for the household account you both determine what that money will take care of paying for. like a pizza as a treat. or clothing or medical beyond insurance. s/o is in charge of bills. i freak at doing them. certain times we can both use the household account for something special. but this way all the important bills and such are taken care of including food of course. then there is no arguing about money. the checks come in and go straight into the main acount and allowances are paid at the same time. i must say it was the best idea for working with equal money with very few argumenys. no one can tell you not to buy something for yourself-it’s your money. it has worked for over 15 yrs. the allowance might change depending on what amount of money is coming in. trust me it works. do you think your s/o would go for this. it certainly would take the pressure off of you. also you can’t give up your cats. no way.. is it that bad? he just doesn’t get that you are you not a diagnosis. my s/o gets me sometimes. she doesn’t understand i don’t want the meds so the symptoms come through but sometimes excirement is just that excitement. so i stay up till dawn. i like to create. i’m not sleepy. i do take some pills for sleep but i have to want to sleep. i am a quirky person and emotional and she is mostly calm all the time except when she is writing or editing then she gets grumpy. i do get irritable and lose it sometimes but iam learning and tring to modify my behavior. i am working towad doing various forms of yoga: meditation, mindfulness and tantric where i let go of my thoughts and illlsions of the world except this moment. it’s better than giving up the highs. and i work through the lows. the depression i have been keeping at bay fr a littlr while now. days no t weeks and sometimes just part of days. writing and music seemto help.and spending a little at a time helps with it. back to whats going on with you. the last post was pretty serious about starting over somewhere else. how supportive emotionally is your mother? who was this man you spek of and what happenned to him? relationships are not static and you are never really sure what they really are. if you want to write to me, i will listen. jen ps. i wish you the best.


    1. Thank you so much!!! I feel very honored! And humbled! I hope things are okay in your world. My mixed episodes seem to have disappeared with an increase in Abilify. Not sure if I liked the mania or not, but now i back to constantly fighting the “low mood.” I think better than too many manic days.

      I hope you are well! Thank you again! Nobody has ever nominated me for anything.


      1. it is my honor. so the abilify helps with the mixed moods. that is good for you. it’s those low moods i don’t look forward to. depression is so overpowering and pulls you down under to he point where it feels like you are going to drown in it. i’m working with my therapist to be free from psych meds except those for panic. it is a struggle. i go through days of hypomaina where i am quite productive but just prior to therapy days i drop into a depression w/ feelings of self destruciton. my therapist is starting to get a complex. it’s cause and effect. fearing what will come up during therapy. but i am coping with the changes in moods. difficult as it may be for me & my s/o. i just hate the drugs, they really do effect my energy and my mind from functioning well.

        i am glad that i nominted you. when i received my nomination, it made me feel so delighted. post it proudly on your blog.

        feel good and go easy on yourself when you get into the down moods. jen


      2. How do you nominate someone? i want to nominate your blog because it is just flat out interesting. There’s a few more too. I haven’t figured out how to actually nominate someone, yet.



    2. I just read what you said about me and my blog on the Sunshine awards page. I am truly humbled by your words, and thoughts.

      Jennifer (songtothesirens)


      1. i just thought about what blogs had an effect on me and the people who created them, how i felt about them or how i reacted to the way in which they expressed themselves and how that effected me. also, how i interacted with the people who i followed and who followed me. a combination of all of these. also, if i felt a relationship developed out of the connection with the person who created th blog. you learn a great deal when people make comments on your blogs or you make comments on theirs and how they respond. lots of branches reaching out from the center and how they make you feel. does that help any. kind of go by your gut reaction and how your mind perceives how a blogger presents themslves through their posts. jennifer


      2. Do you just email them or post on their blog somewhere that you have nominated them? I think i am doing it wrong.


  5. “Before you met your husband you had a good life”. So why not after? I can only judge by this statement that you felt he abused you. SO how much therapy does it take to say” I made a mistake” He is a bastard and I refuse to let him continue his win of dragging me down”? How much in meds and therapy does this take?

    The wrong man is what it sound like. Please red my recent post on closure for government. The government is responsible for leaving this crap all around us. So who cleans it up? The one alive the tops preserved and failed to see power in.

    Since the one can, the one is. I say get on the bike and ride, climb those mountains, swim in those beaches, it far better for him to see. Turn it on him, let him own his failure. Don’t let his failure own you.


    1. I think the reason for my difficulties in marriage are largely due to my long years of living alone, and having become used to a certain standard of freedom. I cannot have that particular type of freedom anymore because there is now another person whose feelings I have to consider.

      I am actually in therapy for reasons that completely separate from my marriage, and are very deeply buried wounds from my childhood (if you can call it that) and teen years. I am in the process of lifting the rock to see what is hiding there. And it is ugly. I do not think that my husband abuses me. That started happening a long time ago in a completely different lifetime.


      1. I have never felt the need for a man to be present for me to live my life. i do not feel that need for “completion”. I can be complete in and of myself.


      2. Then believe it and communicate it non verbally too. Until you communicate it non-verbally people will not believe you. I think your only problem is finding people that like you for what you are.

        Dishing out mental health is just asking people to respond to it. Have another way of getting attention you really want.? You are screaming to get out of the box. Hang in there, you will. I believe in you.


      3. Well, thank you. I do pretty well on my own. I have a few good friends, and a great family. It’s funny, I desire attention just like everyone else, but when I get it, I find that I get really shy and just want to sink into the floor. So, I do not know if I really need attention or not.

        Attention was not what this blog was meant to garner. It was originally meant as a way for me to learn about myself through free association style writing, to encourage other Bipolars that is possible to reach a functioning state of being, and that not all mentally ill people are going to kill you. But it hasn’t turned out that way at all. It has garnered attention which I suppose I wanted but not at a personal level, more of a non-personal level. I wanted it to be about me, but not about me. If that makes sense.


      4. Well it does but your replys are more you then your posts. Your replys are the personal you. Your posts are the not personal you.

        So is it a public block? Maybe having a hard time escaping the end result of abuse and letting yourself be liked? Maybe getting past the fact of your own bad judgement for respecting their opinion to begin with will make it easier to be publicly liked.

        Not like abusers and victimizers just have some tattoo on them that say ” Judge me differently and take all I dish out and love me for it too.

        So you made a bad judgement in a person. Divorce it, put back on the shelf, throw it away, spit it out. Who hasn’t ?

        I have been divorced twice. Now I am going to brave another relationship where I know I am doomed to fall hopelessly in love again. So I had to tell him that I needed help to not let the past failure of my own male judgments and their results not effect him when we approach decisions making together.

        That is courage, that is honesty, that is no fear, that is earning respect. Being honest about what is reality and by doing that, I get his in return. In fact doing it myself, I can demand it back. If he doesn’t give it back, it’s his loss not mine. Instead of a cycle of abuse, we get a mutual cycle of respect. When that happens.. the romance when you gain mutual respect…………………..Ongoing foreplay that never ends.


      5. We have been working on it, and the posts that are more clinical and sound like research papers for school are just one side of me. The other posts where something has made me angry, that’s me too. The video posts are yet another manifestation of me. All of me is in this blog. I just think that perhaps the extremely layered personality that I have can be daunting to deal with. I am like that box of chocolates in “Forest Gump”. You never know what you are going to get 🙂


      6. Well who eats the same chocolate and likes it every minute of the day? LOL You need to get out and be the very likable person you are.


      7. I do get out. I am very active in the Buddhist community I belong to. I have made some amazing friends over the past few years. Just some really down to earth, genuinely caring and friendly people. I would love to go back to school, and so I am going to try to make that happen. And thanks for thinking I am likable…..I sometimes dwell too far down in the deep.


  6. I love the title of this blog. I’ve described the depressive parts of my (possible) bipolar ii disorder as ‘going down the rabbit hole’. There’s no other way to put it!


    1. There really isn’t. I have Bipolar I with psychotic features, and when I start to slide, it is like being Alice on her way to meet the Mad Hatter. Henceforth, the Rabbit Hole. Thank you for the compliment! 🙂


    1. I am glad you are enjoying reading my blog! I really appreciate that as I think my life is quite boring, but I guess not so much. Yes, it has a lot in it. There is blood, sweat, tears, crises, laughter. It’s my life.

      I look forward to reading more of yours!


  7. Was wondering if you had done any articles on Canadian Pharmacies. Looking for a cheap and reliable source for medications since my insurance is running out. I appreciate your time and any knowledge you may share.

    Thanks EJ


    1. I do like all of the realm of mathematics. I am not real good at geometry or trig, but I enjoy watching them both in nature. There is a lyric in a song that I cannot remember the artist that states “Mathematics is the language of nature.” It’s talking about the Fibbonacci Sequence. If you watch a plant or a tree grow, it follows the sequence. First, one leaf followed by one more, now you have two, then the third starts to grow. It’s fascinating.

      I do much better in Algebra, Calculus and Statistical Analysis. However, with regards to Trig, I cannot figure out the Golden circle, but start talking about Tangents, Sine Waves, Cosine, and I’m with you. It has to be complex for me to “get it.”

      For people who hate math, I think they are looking at it wrong. It is just a puzzle with solutions.


  8. I was better at geometry, as the reasoning made so much sense. Having done formal proofs, analytic geometry and calculus were relatively straightforward. Trig I “got,” coming from geometric perspective. Was a little weaker in algebra, didn’t do much in the way of stats.

    If the lottery fairy ever hits me with the magic wand, I know what I am getting back into!

    I like your take on math being a puzzle with solutions. What I loved about math and especially geometry is that you knew your answer was right as you had proved it.

    I would say that math is the language in which our Creator (however one wishes to interpret this) wrote the story of our universe.


    1. I agree with you that the Universe is built upon the precepts of mathematics. it has to be. It is too logical.

      I had to do Stats as it was a requirement of both my Major and Minor in college, but along the way I discovered I was good at Calculus. Which I didn’t have to take in the first place. Some guidance told me I didn’t have enough math credits so I signed up for Calculus. Then, upon being near graduating, i discovered i didn’t have to take it after all. I almost walked down a flight of stairs while staring at my transcript and realizing I had worked my butt off for a class that I did not have to take. I liked it though.

      You know, i like math in the same way I like crossword puzzles. The words only fit together one way to form the solution. In math, there may be more than one correct answer, you may have X sub1 and X sub 2, but they both solve the puzzle.

      I just think that people are afraid of math because they don’t look at it the right way, or they may not enjoy puzzles.And, i really think women and girls do not go into math and scientific classes and careers because society tells them their brains don’t work that way. Personally, I think that is a bunch of malarkey.


  9. I would agree that our society(ies) should be doing more to encourage interest in math and sciences for both girls/young women and boys/young men. Based on the books of Michael Gurion and Christina Hoff Sommers, there may be a greater natural disposition towards mathematics on the part of males (“may” being the operative word), but this would in no way justify providing any learner with less than 100% encouragement and support to pursue math and sciences! regardless of gender.

    I suppose we must similarly respect that there will be those – again, of both genders – with other intellectual areas of interest as well.


    1. Of course. I have read the studies that have concluded that males have a propensity for visual-spatial ideas that is greater than females…..maybe that’s why i cannot play first person shooters. Anyway, I actually hold a degree in Sociology and Psychology. I just kind of stumbled into math. And, I realized that since high school, doing my math homework was my favorite (aside form writing scathing letters to politicians). I think it is because math is interactive. Reading is all fine and dandy, and I enjoy that too, but math is hands on. It is you, your mind, an equation, and your pencil and eraser. The latter being really important. 🙂

      I absolutely agree! if someone of either gender displayed a love of math and science whether they are naturally inclined or not, they should be encouraged to follow where their mind takes them. I myself would like to go into Computer Science and Programming, but I am stymied by the Trig requirement at the University here.

      I just think it is unfortunate that more young women are not steered in the correct way, and that they are basically being told they can’t go into a math related field. My paternal grandmother held a Master’s in Mathematics, and she was an amazing artist at the same time.


    1. She was awesome! She had traveled the world (complaining about the fleas in Bangkok), she was the epitome of a social butterfly however I now suspect that she was probably manic. She was born in 1909. She was a flapper (I have one of her sequined caps those ladies wore. That hat has to be about 80 years old). Unfortunately, she developed Alzheimer’s, but she was still quite interesting if you didn’t mind being told the same story three times in ten minutes 🙂 I look like her when she was young. Old photographs are so fascinating.


    1. I have had an interesting life. Despite some of things I have done, I do cherish the memories that I have. My mom’s mom was a Hatfield……I have an interesting family….


    1. Thank you! This is very, very unexpected, and appreciated 🙂 Thank you very much! I will have to come and check out your blog!


    2. It may take me a little time ti pick my bloggers. A lot do not accept awards anymore. So, i may be looking for new bloggers!


  10. I am the one who gave you the info on the bipolar chicks book and bracelet (I changed my display name). I was wondering what meds you are taking? My mom and I think I may also have ADHD, something I have to ask my pdoc about. I have so many projects I want to do but can’t seem to get it together to follow through with them. Baking is the exception. I can bake up a storm. I also can’t afford to gain anymore weight so I’m trying to fill my time with other hobbies like starting a blog 🙂


    1. I take Abilify and Klonopin in the morning, and Seroquel at night. Both Abilify and especially Seroquel are known to cause weight gain. I do take Adderall for the ADD, but I have a love/hate relationship with it. It does help me stay focused, but it also makes my body ache sometimes. Stattera which is a non-stimulant version for ADD doesn’t do anything except make me sleepy. I have put on some weight but that was due to a long ago trial with Depakote. I have had trouble losing that weight (it was significant, but I have lost most of it.) Talk to your pdoc about Adderall, and if there is any activity you enjoy like bike riding or walking instead of driving that will help too. If anything, it will make you feel better. You’ll have fewer mood swings, and feel better about any weight gain as well.


  11. On my chart, my doctor has me as Bipolar Disorder NOS [not otherwise specified] along with a list of other psyche problems. I have a long list but try to consolidate. I see above we had quite the discussion. I am glad you reissued this post. Hope you are hanging in there. It is rough. When I woke up today I was bordering on depression. I felt so isolated, even though I really am not. I have my partner, my art & writing & friends. It’s just I am so Emily Dickinson when it comes to the world. Don’t like it much. Starting a new way of dealing with my reality. It seems so far to be working most of the time. It opens up more insights and doors. Going down the Rabbit Hole in a good way, I think. Good to read your words & ideas, my friend. ❤


  12. I love your reference to Emily Dickinson. I can relate to her in so many ways. I am an introvert and a recluse. I don’t have any friends. All of my friends are through online correspondence. I do have my mom who I consider a best friend. But no friends my age. I have church. One appointment can throw off my entire day. Yesterday I had a Doctor’s appointment and it took all I had before and after the appointment to get through it, process it, and de stress from it. I am a mother who has kids living out of state. My kids are coming for the Christmas holiday. This will also affect my daily routine. How do you bipolars do it with kids? I need to find a book on this.


    1. You know, I do not have kids. I made a conscious choice upon learning that Bipolar ran in my family not to have children.

      I am also an introvert, but strangely, can find the energy to be extroverted enough to be the leader of a branch of my Buddhist community. But, it does sap my energy and can take a day or two to recoup.

      I am sure there is a blog or a book about bipolar’s with children. I can look. I spend most of my time on the internet any way. It is my way of communicating with the world.

      Have you thought about trying to find friends through the various self-help groups? My mom is my best friend too, and I hate to think about the things I have put her through. I love her very much.


  13. @songtothesirens I was wondering if you feel like your appearance reflects your bipolar disorder? I feel this way. For example I grow out my hair long and then I cut it short during a manic episode, short like a pixie cut. I also am fixated on making my hair purple, but the dye doesn’t adhere to my hair so it is really frusterating. I’ve also done other things with my appearance during manic episodes. I’ve gotten facial piercings, tattoos, and even worn head scarfs, something that I don’t believe in but just wore around for the shock factor. Okay that’s it for now. Look forward to hearing from you.


    1. I do not know that my appearance reflects my bipolar disorder. I used to have very long hair, and began to cut it shorter last Christmas, but that was more of a desire for a different look. I do have tattoos and piercing, but all were done before I knew. Well, the piercing’s after I knew. But, I would have done it anyway. I, think more than anything, I do things to shock people that don’t involve obvious body or hair changes. But, that was a while ago. I have been living as a diagnosed bipolar for about 13 years, and prefer my life calm.

      Unless a person is completely disheveled, and in obvious mental distress, I do not think that mental interestingness actually shows physically.


  14. I have only been diagnosed with bipolar 1 for a year now, but looking back I think I should have been diagnosed over 10 years ago based on my behavior. I had 4 kids in 6 years. Very manic. Mental illness runs in my family, although not my mother or father. However my maternal grandfather, my mom’s brother and sister all suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. I know some of the symptoms of schizophrenia are similar to bipolar such as delusions or hallucinations. Have you experienced any of these? I tend to get fixated on something and cannot rest until it is achieved. Often times it is something unrealistic which is frusterating. I appreciate your help in looking for books. I can only find books on bipolar children, not being bipolar with children and how to cope. I went through a piercing phase but now I don’t have any except dermal anchors on my chest. They are like studs. I have 5 tattoos. I got 3 at the same time! That was definitely manic and I was there 8 hours going out of my mind at the tattoo parlor. I have had to pick up other hobbies besides tattoos and piercings. I am doing a lot of reading and will likely power through your book list. I appreciate your replies. 🙂


    1. I tend to have auditory hallucinations with the occasional “out of the corner of my eye” flash of something. Happened last night. I really thought I saw something on my desk because the light from my monitor was temporarily blotted out. I whip around to look and there is nothing there. That was kind of spooky.

      Mental illness also runs in my family. Depression on both sides, alcoholism on both sides, and manic-depression on one. Though there may be more Bipolar’s than I know about.

      I haven’t done three tattoos on one run, but did get the majority within several months of one another. I got the last one 13 years ago in Tahiti. Still have the majority of my piercings though.

      I always had hobbies; I just like tattoos 🙂


  15. Hi Jennifer, I found you on OM’s Meet&Greet post, very pleased I did. I live with Bipolar II recently diagnosed (I’m 42) and am presently on short term Disability…started my blog to share photos to invest myself creatively as I have been missing this part of me for some time, it;s had an amazing impast on my mental health : )…anyway, I look forward to reading through your journey here, learning more about this place I find myself in…hope all is well with you today. peace, love & light, jules


    1. I love OM 🙂 Only he would come up with something like a mass online blogger “meet & greet.” He kills me!! I remember the brief weeks before the Big diagnosis: Bipolar I with Psychotic features. I started me blog after I was released from the hospital to express my thoughts, non-thoughts, educational and non-educational ideas; basically try to let people know that we really am no different than they are. It takes finding the treatment that works for you, a good therapist, and (in my opinion) a good spiritual grounding. Mine happened to be Nichiren Buddhism. My journey is long and weird; maybe not as crazy as some but it was an interesting ride 🙂

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