Drift & Die ~ Puddle of Mudd

"Drift And Die"
Forgotten thoughts of yesterdays
Through my eyes, I see the past
Well I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why

I believe, I believe, I believe in the truth
From inside
Go away, go away, go away from me
Leave me alone

Ignorance spreads lies
How much will money buy
Well I'll take my time
As I drift and die

Unwanted, live my life in shame
Who's to blame for my mistakes
Well I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why

I believe I said I believe in the truth
From inside
Go away, go away, go away from me
Leave me alone

Ignorance spreads lies
How much will money buy
Well I'll take my time
As I drift and die
As I drift and die
As I drift and die
As I drift and die

Ignorance spreads lies

How much will money buy

Well I’ll take my time

As I drift and die

Mindfulness And Gratitude

Gratitude and Appreciation
Gratitude and Appreciation



How did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its being,
We all remain too frightened

  Hafiz (13th century Sufi mystic poet)

The above words are so true. The only way that we can experience the world’s beauty and share our own beauty is when we feel loving encouragement in our hearts instead of the criticism so many of us are used to. I read that somewhere else, as well, but I cannot remember where. One of my Buddhist texts perhaps.

The words: “It felt the encouragement of light against its being.” describe what people need to open themselves to others and also to grow. Constant criticism does not encourage growth, it hinders it. For many, the Holiday season is a time when they happily spend time with friends and family and reuniting with friends in other places. It is a time of joy and happiness and connection. For other people, the Holidays can be a source of stress that reinforces depression and loneliness. 

The Holidays provide a perfect time to practice gratitude and kindness regardless of how you experience the Holidays (I am one of those where it only increases my sense of isolation and loneliness as I am estranged or so it would seem from the majority of my family, and this disorder kills friendships). I am, however, extremely grateful for many things in my life: the friends who didn’t run screaming but simply accepted me as the me they have always known, my family who also didn’t run screaming but stood up against the challenge of coping with loving a mentally ill person, and the new friendships I have managed to forge in spite of being mentally interesting. There are many more relationships and things (not objects) that I am grateful for. This is a perfect time to practice mindfulness, gratitude and appreciation; actually mindfulness, gratitude and appreciation should be practiced at all times. The world would be a kinder, gentler place for everyone to live.

Here is a short way to feel the loving and kind encouragement that allows the beauty of you to shine through no matter where you are in life.

  1. Think of a person or animal that represents light, that represents a loving and kind presence in your life. It can be anyone or anything; your pet dog or cat, a good friend, someone who has passed, or even a spiritual figure such as Ghandi, the Buddha, God or the Dalai Lama. Whatever causes you to feel loved when you think of it.
  2. Take a moment to imagine that presence here now, with you and looking into your eyes.
  3. Now imagine that person or thing saying to you: “May you be happy”, “May you be safe from inner and outer harm/pain”, “May you be free of fear”, “May you be healthy in body and mind.” You can also create more wishes and affirmations for yourself.
  4. Now, turn toward that person and say the same things to them with the same loving and kind intention.
  5. Now, imagine your family and friends with you (those that you feel estranged from and those that are there for you) and with loving and kind intention say the same things to them.

Take a moment to actually do this even if you only read the words, and then just let the feelings of loving and kindness flow through you, and just sit and allow yourself to feel loved, just letting everything be. 

While Thanksgiving is a time to feel gratitude and appreciation for what you do have (however little or great it may be), your whole life can also be a reminder to live with gratitude and appreciation for what you have, what you have lost that may have been causing you pain and harm, and what you may gain in the future. If you live your life with gratitude and appreciation for all that you have, you will automatically feel the encouraging and loving light written about by Hafiz, and your life will become a beautiful thing to be celebrated year round.

Living with gratitude and appreciation can also be a powerful source of psychological healing and feelings of well-being. When you appreciate what you do have in this world, you are expressing gratitude for your life, and those people and things that are in it. And, if you live with this in mind at all times or mindfully as some would put it, you can’t help but to experience the world as a much brighter and friendlier place. Living mindfully with gratitude and appreciation opens your heart, and the Universe can feel that energy coming from you (yes, I know that sounds new agey, but bear with me. I practice Buddhism which has a completely different way of viewing the world.)

So, while some may only feel gratitude and appreciation during the Holiday season, those who live it every day will experience healing and well-being all the time. Personally, I live every day with gratitude and the appreciation that I am still alive to write this post, complain about the bus, talk with family and friends, and just generally be content with who I am while at the same time working to become even more. Your life is precious, individual, unique while at the same time contributing to the whole. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quote That Deserves Its Own Post

Never really liked Billy Joel much, but this lyric from “The Piano Man” is really poignant (imo) “….He said, “Son, can you play me a memory? I’m not really sure how it goes, but it’s sad and it’s sweet, and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man’s clothes…” ~ Billy Joel “The Piano Man”

So Close, Yet So Far

Legal research
Legal research (Photo credit: gwilmore

My mother and I filed the final Divorce packet about two days ago. He never officially answered the summons alerting him to the Petition for Divorce action being taken against him. It was due at the Civil Relations or Domestic Relations clerk’s office 30 days after the summons and a copy of the “Lawsuit” (I guess is what it really is) were served to him. He said about 10 days after the 30 were up that he needed to get to court to file his response. I told him his 30 days was up about 2 weeks before. I do not understand this guy. He gets a traffic ticket in Los Lunas, and makes damn good and well he knows where the courthouse for that region is, and what time he needs to be there. And, he goes at the appointed time and date. What is so different about answering a Summons alerting you that your wife is leaving?

It is almost like he is a child, and if he puts his hands over his ears and eyes, it will all go away. I really do not think that he realized that I was deadly serious this time. He had said that I was all talk and no action when it came to leaving the relationship. Hmmm, I guess not. I spent about 2 weeks packing and moving, and I moved to an apartment about 10 days ago. My mom then discovered there is different paperwork to be filed in a Default Judgment scenario which is what we now have. So, with my mom helping (as a private attorney, she filed lots of Divorce cases before she moved to the City), I filed the Default Judgment packet asking the Judge to please dissolve the marriage, and return to me to my rightful name. I never did feel comfortable having taken his last name. Foreshadowing, perhaps? At any rate, those are the two things that I want: the marriage from hell dissolved, and my name returned to me. 

I do not think he knows what he did with all his passive-aggressive and narcissistic behaviour. I have taken steps backwards due to his verbal and emotional abuse and neglect. I no longer feel a sense of self-worth (if I was worthy, then he would have not been on the Internet looking at and watching porn), I no longer feel I am attractive or even the slightest bit sexy (see comment above), I have lost self-esteem (whatever that is, i know that I have lost it), I treat myself badly, I feel very unlovable and not wanted in any way, shape or form,etc. And, all he had to do to keep his marriage was get out of Pornography “fun-land”, read a damn book about my main illness, Bipolar disorder type I, and show me that I was wanted and appreciated. That is all he had to do. Instead, he did the opposite. He would claim that only three things were important to me: my mental health, my self, and my cat. He left something out. He was important to me; I loved him (or thought I did), and all I really wanted was for him to be happy, but I am now guessing he is not capable of true and lasting happiness or contentment. 

Hopefully in about 2 weeks, i will be rid of this foul and toxic relationship, I will have my name back, and I can go ahead with the work of healing and putting back together everything he undid. All those years of therapy, and this asshole wipes out about 2 years of progression towards my stable madness.

What Does It Mean To Me To Be A High Functioning Bipolar?




This is an idea I got from another blogger who wrote a post about what it means to her to be a high-functioning depressive.  You can read it here: http://maycauseirritation.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/high-functioning-depressive/


So, I have set out to figure out what it means to me to be a high-functioning bipolar who does not have a job, is going through a divorce, is not in school or some other worthy activity, and basically reads all day once the blogging is finished and comments answered and blog posts read. So, how does one feel high-functioning when one is lacking all the trappings of someone who is? That seems to be the rub. Hmmm….this is going to take thought, and I think that I am done thinking for the day.


I have thought about this a bit more. A high-functioning bipolar doesn’t go off the deep end because her relationship ended very badly. I doubt that I will maintain a friendship with this particular ex-whatever the hell he thought he was-and whatever the hell I was led to believe he was. He falls into the category of “if I never see you again, it will be too soon.” Currently, only one person has held that honor for about 20 years. And, no you don’t get a cookie or a medal for belonging to this élite group. I think we were a married couple for all of one year before the happy little “diversion” became key to his existence and rendered me null and void. Anyone who can spend 8 hours looking at Internet porn is someone who has a huge problem especially if his wife is a perfectly attractive woman. That just pissed me off. So, I would guess a high-functioning bipolar has some respect for themselves. 


I am also very involved with my Buddhist community. I am the women’s leader of a small district which is basically a group of other Buddhists that belong to the same sect, and they all have many years of knowledge that I do not have. Normally, this would absolutely whig someone who wasn’t functioning well out. When not functioning (ie: depressive episode/manic episode/mixed episode), there’s no way that a bipolar with anxiety issues could do this. You cannot deal with people very effectively when in one of those states. 


I know that I can now “hide” my bipolar from an employer. I am good at that which is a good thing when it comes to the workplace. I have always been highly competitive with myself, and anything other than superior work product is unacceptable. I was the same way all the way through college. Someone could set a bar for me, and I would (and still do) set it higher. Now, granted, that may not be healthy, and can lead to heart attack, stroke or even death doesn’t bother me. I have always been a type A personality. I get anxious when everything is not going just the way I want it to. Or, the way it is supposed to. Even at the beginning of the manifestation of this illness, I was still producing at a very high level under some extreme stress (which is what I think may have finally brought on the manifestation of symptoms). It is vital to my existence that everything I produce be it a research paper for school or an analysis of misuse of the time-clock to produce unworked overtime, I want it as perfect as possible. Low-functioning people have a tendency towards mediocrity. They do just enough to get by. 


Hmm……I am again at a loss. I do not participate in any of the activities that our society values with the exception of my involvement with my religious activities. I guess someone who is a high-functioning bipolar can face difficulties with-out succumbing to the “I am going to kill myself” feelings that seem to always lurk just below the surface. It would be easier on you, but I have seen firsthand the devastation that a suicide causes, so that’s not an option. I guess my vision of a high-functioning bipolar is someone who can deal with difficult situations either personal or work related, is someone who can maintain relationships with people in a give and take type of way rather than always taking or always giving (and not being recognized for it, man that just chaps my hide). Show some appreciation for what you have and what you get. That to me is very important. I will and have been known to stop giving anything of myself if I do not feel appreciated. If you are hungry, there’s the pantry.


I guess a bipolar that is high-functioning be it a person who works or stays home and keeps the house is someone with a strong sense of who they are, what they want out of life, won’t settle (especially if they have before and been taken advantage of~maybe that‘s my own personal problem), is comfortable alone or with people, has friends, can give and take equally, and isn’t stuck in the “woe is me” cycle. They live with it, they don’t “own” it in the more common sense of that expression because to do so would be to identify with the disease, but rather is some one who recognizes it as a part but not the whole of who they are. I am sure there are things I left out, and shall probably remember at a later time. I think I have come to the conclusion that a high-functioning (insert illness here) is someone who knows themselves, and can take care of that self while nurturing the part that needs help.


I Need To Go Somewhere Else ~ I Shall Go Completely Mad If I Stay Here

Over Now
Over Now (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


I know it’s bad when I have forsaken my Alice in Chains, Pink  Floyd, and Nine Inch Nails for Marilyn Manson. I think I am slowly going mad. The Christians have a saying that God does not give more than you can handle. That’s a nice sentiment but I am Buddhist, and everything that is good in my life and everything that is bad in my life is all my own doing (or undoing, as it appears to be). I am the source of the answer and the problem, and I have no answers, just problems. I can no longer see any light at the end of the tunnel. It has gone out, or the lantern bearer is on break. I feel like I am in the boat crossing the river Styx with Charon at the helm, and he is taking us further and further down the river towards Hades and away from the light.

My soon to be ex-husband is closed up in his little room with the door shut watching his porn, and diving deeper into his fantasy life. I wish I had a fantasy life. I have always been too practical and logical to have much of an active fantasy life. To me, if it wasn’t something tangible I could touch, it didn’t exist (I know that sounds a little like Kant‘s philosophy that as soon as an object is out of sight, does it cease to exist?), if it could not be proven scientifically, I had no use for it. I do not believe is God, so that is out of the question. It would be so nice to just be able to “turn my problems over to God” and let him/her deal with the hows and the whys. But I can’t see or touch God, therefore he/she doesn’t exist in my realm. I wish I could “Let go and let God,” or whatever that bumper sticker says. But, how can one turn one’s problems over to an entity they cannot prove the existence of? That’s too much of a leap of faith for me. It requires trust in something I cannot touch, see or conceive of.

So, I am becoming increasingly stuck in my own mind which is not a good place to be right now. I cannot seem to achieve the mind-heart disconnect that I have been able to successfully complete in the past. Even though he has taken away my sense of myself as attractive and sexy which are very feminine yearnings. I had that sense once, but that part of me is under deep cover right now. I know I should be mad about that, but somehow, I have decided that everything that went wrong with this relationship is my fault. I wasn’t tolerant of his porn addiction (and it is an addiction, at this point), I did not act or do things the way he expected a wife to do. I am NOT going to clean the house in lingerie and high heels as he seems to have come to believe that “real and sexy” women do. Porn has warped his sense of gender roles and sexuality in general. And, yet he claims to know the difference between the reality of marriage and the “fantasy women.” No, he doesn’t. With addiction came the blurring of the line, just like it does with any addiction. However, I felt very disrespected, and said so on more than one occasion. He didn’t listen. Junkies do not listen to people telling them they are sick. They believe their behaviour is within the realm of the normal. I have been an addict. There is nothing normal about it. 

I cannot decide how I feel. I am decidedly not manic, nor am I particularly depressed. I am extraordinarily stressed out, and I am sad. I can tell because I am dropping weight like I was actually dieting. But, the truth is I cannot eat. I cannot sleep for more than 4 or 5 hours a night. This is going to drive me mad. Not nuts, I am already there, but completely mad. The kind you may or may not come back from in the same form you had before. There is no going back, anyway. Every experience shapes you for the better, the worse or both. This is a both situation. I have changed for the better in some ways, and for the worse in others. Like my trust factor is shot right now. I entrusted him with my heart and soul, and he broke my heart. There is nothing on this planet that I will likely experience at this point in time that will break my soul. I have already been through that, too, and lived. It took a while to pull the pieces back together, but I did it, and came out stronger. Continue reading

In That Mood Again……….

Through the Years (Jethro Tull)
Through the Years (Jethro Tull) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“….Well, do you ever get the feeling that the story’s too damn real and in the present tense?
Or that everybody’s on the stage, and it seems like you’re the only person
Sitting in the audience?….” Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New Day ~ Jethro Tull