Resources (Updated December 2013)

SchizophreniaBrain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Drawn by early 20th-century commercial cat ill...
Drawn by early 20th-century commercial cat illustrator Louis Wain near the beginning of his mental illness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)     This guy knows more about psychoactive drugs than most people, including doctors     This is the official government National Institute website, any mental illness can be researched, and they do not “dumb” it down. The information is very straightforward, and easy to understand.   The official site for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Here you can find information about your illness, support groups for your self, and a wonderful program that my mother went through called “Family to Family”. It is a family oriented group “therapy” that is designed to help non- mentally ill family members understand what it is like to live with a mental illness. I cannot recommend these classes enough. It really made a difference in the way my mother copes with my Bipolar.  This is official site for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. They have support groups that meet weekly, and a bunch of information on mood disorders including crisis information, newly diagnosed, and other helpful pages.  This group has compiled information about the laws that govern treatment of the mentally ill. It is always a good idea to know the laws in your state. The site has links to studies that the have done, comments from Dr. Torrey, a well known advocate for mental healthcare reform, this site is just full of mental health reform information.  An Australian organization for education, understanding mental illness, combating stigmatism, has a book shop that carries books on many different mental  health issues from Anxiety to more serious illnesses such as Schizophrenia and actions such as suicide. SANE is also carrying out many projects throughout Australia to educate people both afflicted and those who are not. A quick perusal of this site seems to yield some very good information and programs foe the mentally ill in Australia. Largest site on the internet for non-drug approaches to mental health, has the only directory of providers on the Web, bookstore carries a variety of books on various mental health issues in addition to a free news letter.

http:// Has support groups, is run by and for people with mental illness, offers free yoga and acupuncture  “Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness” another website run by and for the mentally ill. It envisions a new culture and language that explains the actual experience of being mentally ill rather than conforming to some label society has given you. The site features a huge forum, chat, private messaging, a journal by both the subscribers and the administrators, it has a community tab, articles, and other various resources.

Attitudemag: Website about ADD, ADHD, when is ADD actually Bipolar, or does your child or self have both. Looks to be an informative site with not too much psychobabble.

25 thoughts on “Resources (Updated December 2013)

  1. I think it is necessary to let people know there is a lot of information out there, and a lot of help. That is the purpose of this page.


  2. Support groups. That is a tough one. People will have support groups but with more then one issue, I say get more then one. I new view in life should always be welcome. Support groups have always been groups for the weak to get together. I say I need the strong, all special and unique.

    I know all kinds of people. It makes life very interesting. Always the same view is very dull.


    1. I agree with that. I think support groups can be very helpful for some people, but they have never been particularly effective for me. Probably because the topic tends to stay the same, and my brain bounces from one thought to the next way too quickly. That’s why I prefer individual therapy.


      1. Soon it will be time to get not only individual sit down and talk therapy but medical will be go do something therapy too. One major crime is anybody can sit down and talk therapy so why the need for a license?

        That is the same has the preacher having to get a license for public speaking with the Bible as notes. So the crime in medical is why is it ? If it worked for all, then it would be good. But it doesn’t work for all so it’s no good for all.

        That is the New World Power coming to your doorstep soon too. Just as soon as all the wanna be tops are finished getting executed that are trying to block the power and money, trying to keep it themselves. This has been going on worldwide for little more then 2 years, so it won’t be much longer.


      2. I don’t know about that. I think therapists should have some form of college degree and licensing because they are asking people to bring up some pretty ugly things. Priests, on the other hand, are good with crises of faith not necessarily ones of emotion. I have never really had a use for organized religion.


      3. What does it take to handle ugly things. You did. Did your therapist face the ugly things as well as you do? If not, get a better one. What degree is there fro facing ugly things? You did and are doing just fine. So get a degree.


      4. I have a degree in Sociology and Psychology. I want a master’s in counseling now, so I can work with at risk youth, and maybe spare someone from the same mistakes I made when I was much younger and couldn’t see past the end of my nose.


      5. I have one of those Bachelor degrees myself. Isn’t it a shame that the system makes us spend years dictating what it takes to learn when if we just were given the choice, we could have learned in in half the time. Mine is in business. Like grade school hit honors without reading all their books. If I had actually cared about keeping the honors I would have wasted time chasing the lousy couple of percentages of points I lacked. Honors from the school or not. I am still damn good at what I do.


      6. I was damn good at what I did too. Even though my degree is in Social Sciences, I found myself in Financial support doing payroll for large companies and coordinating benefits, doing worker’s comp, and everything else that got thrown my way. Although, there is a certain amount of psychology involved in dealing with an angry employee.


      7. We have that in common. Smart decisions as far as I’m concerned. I hate juggling figures on paper but where there is money there is work. Even if it’s just to get by. Social Sciences. That is about as detailed as my business admin. degree. I like mine because it will apply to more careers then most. Where there is a dollar , it also need s managing. Guess you opted for the people end. I would rather just enjoy people. Figuring them out is just to timely.

        I really don’t think there is x-ray enough in the world. One human being and with all the surgery and human experimentation, even with technology, I give up. Human experimentation, dissecting, implanting, mind control, drug testing on. Never ending experimentation, models, and human still can’t be figured out. Degrees, scientists…..still looking for that magic insanity cure via pills.

        Pushing 50 just don’t have the time! It already was.


      8. I am still in my early 40’s. Unless something unexpected or dire happens, I have no doubt that someday I will be able to work with teens on the wrong path. I was one of those kids, and when I grew up, and realized what I really wanted to do (work for FBI in profiling), I discovered that my misguided youth had taken that dream from me. I had done everything all wrong, and it cost me something that I really wanted. If I can get even two kids to see that they are going to ruin their future, I will have considered it a success.

        I truly feel bad for these kids. I was one, and I know the loneliness, the isolation, the shaky sense of self that these kids have. They are not hardened criminals, yet. They are insecure kids trying to act like they do not care, and that life is something to be endured.


      9. Well isn’t that typical government that is all useless. Holding a old mistake over your head for the rest of your life! Never giving credit for growth and change. I work with a lot of FBI, Now they work for me.

        Hang in there. You may get what you want but profile a human being that can stop, self correct, and learn in a day, at any age that is a tough one to swallow. Something that I will not allow to continue. If you make a good change, then credit where credit is due.


      10. Yeah, I was a bit upset when I discovered that my misspent youth was going to have a profound effect on my future plans. As a consequence, I found myself in Financial support, but I like numbers too. They behave themselves most of the time 🙂 I am currently too old to even entertain the idea of joining the FBI. Their cut off age is 35.

        Henceforth, counseling at risk youth so maybe one will see what they are doing to themselves, but first I have to convince them they have a future. So many are nihilistic.


      11. That will happen when you convince yourself. As far as the FBI and the rest turning down good people with true civic duty, that crap is about at an end.


      12. No, my youth really was misspent. I can be a parole officer though….. my degree qualifies me to do that 🙂


      13. Why limit yourself to Parole Officer/ I actually worked with a the ones in Reno and really liked them. Too bad government is too corrupted to much of anything for. Wait for things to change, they are very soon. It will be a good New Year of choices for you.

        You can teach, counsel, take kids on natures tours and the New Power will allow You to make money doing it. If getting out in nature on a bike is good therapy for you, then it is good therapy for the kids too.

        Not babysitting, therapy. The public school system was the babysitting service.


      14. Yeah, schools don’t really teach anymore. They are just convenient places to leave your kids while you work. Which is sad.


      15. That is about to change. Multi-trillion dollar babysitting services was just another example of ineffective government. Public, Private, Professional, inside, outside, they all have needed education for all.


      16. I agree. Most schools today turn out functional illiterates. Between that and the drop out rate…


    1. Judging from the number of mentally ill people I have known over the last 25 years or so, I would say, yes, humanity is a mental health group because we all have friends and family members we rely on to talk to.


      1. Mental Health is everyone’s cross to face. When we get hurt, we get weakened. What is effective is what is there when you get weaken to uplift you not what you have to wait for.

        Being carried just doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t provide the “I can” therapy for good self esteem building. Every time I do something myself, I know, I can do more.

        I think being my own rescuer is infinitely better therapy for any self esteem.


      2. While I agree with much of what you said, sometimes life can beat a person so far down that they need someone to kick them in the butt and get them going on the path to healing and developing a healthy sense of self. Once the person has a few “I can’s” under their belt, they are on their way.


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